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StreamYard: What it is and How it Works

StreamYard is just the tool you need to stream. We assure you that you won’t regret it, because with each of its features, you will be able to broadcast videos like a professional streamer. If you are interested in learning more about this streaming software, read on!

Want to start monetising with Streamion?

It's very simple: sign up, choose the brands you want to collaborate with and start earning money.

What is it and what is it for?

It is a freemium digital program, which is used to carry out streaming transmissions. You can use it from your browser, since it is not necessary to download any software.

It offers a free version and a paid version that gives you a lot of features. However, the free version gives you enough to make excellent live broadcasts from your browser. In addition, it has many features that speed up the diversification of the content you want to show.

Best of all, it allows you to broadcast on several social networks at the same time and in a very quick and easy way.

Remember, you are just starting to be a streamer, you can read the article on Streamion‘s stream ideas, it will be very helpful!


Now that you know how StreamYard works, here are the benefits it offers:

  • It is easy, simple to use and without complex processes.
  • It offers high transmission quality.
  • It provides users with high stability.
  • It has access to all countries in the world if you have an internet connection, without having to download and install any software.
  • You can conduct interviews with several guests at the same time without complications.
  • It offers you the possibility to include logos, banners and calls to action in your transmissions.
  • Includes backgrounds for use with green screens and without pixelation difficulties.
  • Allows you to interact with your viewers, respond to comments or include them on the screen.
  • It has an interface that you can easily master, and offers all the necessary functions to obtain professional broadcasts.
  • It is multiplatform streaming, so you will not be limited to connect to a single channel.
  • A maximum of 10 people can participate simultaneously

Thanks to all the advantages it offers, this tool is in great demand. What are you waiting for to use it too?


Despite being an incredible platform with multiple functions, it also has some disadvantages that you should consider, since depending on your needs, it may not be as effective for you. Some of its cons are:

  • You will not be able to have customized scenes, so you must adapt to the predesigned ones.
  • You will only be able to use one camera for streaming.
  • It allows you to use only one microphone, so you will not be able to connect additional equipment.
  • It does not offer the possibility of using videos with transparent background, since it does not support .mov or .avi files, very useful to incorporate animated overlays and banners.
  • A good internet connection is required

StreamYard may have other disadvantages, but these are the ones we consider the most important.

How much does it cost?

The paid version of this tool is quite affordable, so if you want to have access to all its features, we recommend paying for the full service.

Now, the StreamYard has two options, the basic plan with a cost of $ 25 per month and the professional plan with a cost of $ 49 per month. However, if you opt for the annual plans, the price is reduced monthly to $20 for the basic plan and $39 for the professional plan.

What do you think? Compared to other transmission tools, we assure you that this is the most affordable and complete tool you can find. If you want to know more about their prices, click here.

Free version, what are its limits?

It has a transmission limit of only 20 hours of recording per month, plus only 3 hours of local recordings (individual audio and video recordings). This version does not allow you to save or record your live streams, so you must upgrade your plan to access this feature.

On the other hand, products will disappear frequently, as they are not sustainable, and for the program to be available to you it needs to be sustainable.

Why opt for paid plans?

Upgrading your plan offers benefits such as removing StreamYard’s logo and adding your own, incorporating backgrounds and overlays, as well as organizing multiple broadcasts on all platforms available in the program

You’ll be able to record your broadcasts in HD and download them. Even their paid plans allow you to make local recordings without having to stream live and include StreamYard On-Air, a platform for live webinars.

Want to start monetising with Streamion?

It's very simple: sign up, choose the brands you want to collaborate with and start earning money.

How does it work?

It is not the only platform that exists for live broadcasts, but it is true that thanks to its uniqueness, it has gained good positioning. What makes it so unique?

  1. No downloads required: you can use it only from your computer, it does not require the installation of any additional program for its complete operation. This feature makes it an easy to run program, ideal for professionals.
  1. You don’t need technical knowledge: one of its many benefits is that you will be able to broadcast like a professional, without necessarily having super powerful equipment, because all the processing is done by StreamYard,
  1. It is multistreaming: it facilitates live broadcasting through different platforms at the same time, thanks to the fact that it works with multistreaming.


It is very important that you have an excellent internet connection to use StreamYard, it is recommended that you have at least 4 Mbps upstream and downstream. Before starting your live broadcast, it is crucial that you check your connection and make sure you have enough Mbps. You can implement a speed test with TestMy.Net or Speedtest to find out if you have the best internet for streaming or if it is time to change your plan or provider.

Do not forget that it is also recommended that you have a good setup for streaming because you will have a good image quality, lighting and sound that will make your transmissions are of quality. If you do not know how to choose the basic elements to have a team of good tools, you can read the article on gaming keyboards to understand the difference between mechanical and semi-mechanical keyboard, so you can have a notion when you go to buy.

Use StreamYard Step by Step

In addition to all the features you can use and take advantage of, you also have the option to share your broadcasts from your website or blog, including through players you can use for streaming such as VLC.

Although the main reason why people prefer to use this program is because of its ability to broadcast in streaming on platforms such as:

Now, how can you start streaming? It is very simple, you just have to follow all the steps below. 


The first thing you need to do is to register on the StreamYard website. To make it much easier for you, we leave the link here for you to register.

Set up your profile

After creating your profile, you just have to configure it and add all the social networks where you want to stream content. This step is very simple. You only have to accept the necessary permissions in each of the platforms and that’s it.

Create your broadcast

Enter the main panel, click on the platform you want to broadcast on and start your broadcast by pressing the “create a broadcast” button. The last thing you have to do is to add the title, an exposition, a description, the date, etc. That’s all! Your broadcast will be configured on up to 5 platforms simultaneously, if you wish.


  • A laptop computer with microphone and webcam.
  • Updated version of Firefox or Chrome.
  • Good internet connection. We recommend that you connect with an Ethernet cable to your router, and not connect to wifi, as it may cause some connection problems.
  • Use headphones to avoid echo.

Once you are ready, get ready and enjoy the experience!

Want to start monetising with Streamion?

It's very simple: sign up, choose the brands you want to collaborate with and start earning money.


If you are thinking of broadcasting on several platforms at the same time, StreamYard is your best alternative. It is true that it has certain limitations, however, we consider it an excellent option to broadcast with great quality and as a professional.

The best thing about this tool is that you can use it from your cell phone without any problem, since you don’t need to download any application. All you need is a good cell phone and a good Internet connection. However, to improve your experience it is advisable to use the platform from a laptop.

Ready to share content? Don’t give up! Take advantage of all the features StreamYard has to offer.

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