estrategas haciendo marketing guerrilla

Guerrilla Marketing: What it is, examples and how to do it

Capturing the attention of an increasingly distracted audience is the biggest challenge for companies today. From this challenge arises an innovative and bold strategy, guerrilla marketing. This advertising tactic, which defies conventional norms, continues to prove a powerful resource for companies looking to break down barriers and leave a lasting impression in the minds of their consumers.

As traditional marketing techniques have become more cluttered and predictable, guerrilla marketing has emerged as a revolutionary approach. In the article that I bring you today, we will talk about the concept of guerrilla marketing. We’ll find out how this strategy can be used by businesses large and small to gain visibility, drive viral conversations, and make emotional connections with consumers. In addition, we will see keys to carry out a successful campaign, from conceptualization and planning to execution and measurement of results. Whether it’s through a street art installation, an online campaign that goes viral, or an out-of-the-ordinary event experience, guerrilla marketing continues to prove its ability to inspire, surprise, and most importantly, generate. tangible results in an ever-evolving advertising landscape. Let’s start by understanding what exactly it is.

What is guerrilla marketing?

Guerrilla marketing is about carrying out unconventional and often unexpected promotional actions, with the aim of capturing attention and generating an emotional response in the target audience. Unlike more traditional marketing strategies, which often include different types of advertising spots, such as viral TV ads, print ads, and radio commercials, guerrilla marketing focuses on creating memorable and authentic experiences that resonate with audiences. the audience. The “guerrilla” analogy stems from its surprise, tactical approach, similar to guerrilla warfare tactics that involve quick, precise strikes rather than direct engagements. These emotions become an essential part of the consumer experience and can lead to increased brand retention and message spread through word of mouth and social media.

It is important to note that guerrilla marketing is not a single strategy that works in all contexts. It requires a deep understanding of the audience and exceptional creativity to be able to design advertising campaigns that are relevant and effective.


This way of advertising has burst onto the scene as a strategy that does something extra, that goes further, and rightly so. As a non-traditional advertising tactic, it offers a number of unique advantages that make it an attractive option for businesses looking to stand out in a crowded environment. Below, I will tell you about some of them:

Unlimited creativity

One of the main advantages of guerrilla marketing is its ability to free creativity from conventional restrictions. Guerrilla campaigns can be bold, surprising and even provocative, since they are not limited by the usual norms and formats. This allows brands to think outside the box and create unique experiences that capture the attention and imagination of the audience.

Memorable impact

The central goal of guerrilla marketing is to make a lasting impact in the mind of the public. Through unconventional actions and surprising experiences, brands can make people remember their message long after the campaign has ended. The surprise and excitement associated with these strategies make brands stand out in a sea of advertising messages and generate positive word of mouth.


This type of advertising does not always require large financial investments. Campaigns are often based on creativity and strategic planning rather than relying on massive budgets. This makes it accessible to both large and small businesses.

Emotional connection

One of the most powerful advantages of guerrilla marketing is its ability to generate emotional connections between the brand and the consumer. By creating immersive or impactful experiences, companies generate feelings of wonder, fun, sympathy, and wonder. These emotions are directly associated with the brand, resulting in increased brand retention and consumer loyalty.

Differentiation in a saturated market

In a world where brands are constantly competing for consumers’ attention, guerrilla marketing offers an effective way to differentiate yourself. By breaking the norm and presenting the brand in a unique way, companies can stand out in a sea of competitors and capture the attention of consumers.

Greater interaction and participation

Guerrilla marketing strategies often engage the audience in an active and participatory way. This includes challenges, contests, live events, etc. Direct interaction with the audience not only creates a stronger bond between the brand and the consumer, but also generates valuable data for future marketing strategies.

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What characteristics does guerrilla advertising have?

In the previous part of this article, we talked about the fundamental advantages of this advertising tactic. From extreme creativity to creating meaningful emotional connections, we break down each aspect that makes guerrilla marketing a valuable tool for businesses looking for impact and recognition. In the following points we will see how certain key characteristics make guerrilla marketing a unique and effective advertising strategy.

Low cost

The economic approach of guerrilla advertising is one of its most attractive features. Unlike traditional advertising approaches that often require large financial investments in advertising space and media, this strategy relies on creativity and smart execution. Reducing costs does not imply sacrificing the quality of the message; rather, it is about maximizing available resources and using inventiveness to create significant impact without relying on an excessive budget.

Unconventional approach

Guerrilla advertising is distinguished by its bold departure from conventional and predictable methods. It can involve a variety of surprising tactics, such as setting up art installations in public spaces, organizing flash mobs, creating unique sensory experiences, or performing creative interventions in unusual locations. This unconventional nature is what makes it so attractive and effective, as it captures attention by breaking up monotony and predictability.

Surprise and amazement

The central objective of this type of advertising is to leave the audience surprised and amazed. Through the generation of unexpected moments and impactful experiences, he seeks to capture instant attention and create a lasting impression. Surprise not only stimulates memory, but also triggers emotions that are associated with the brand and the promoted message.

Extreme creativity

The very essence of guerrilla advertising lies in its ability to take creativity to unexplored extremes. When betting on unique and unusual concepts, marketing becomes a platform for innovation and unbridled imagination. Each campaign seeks to push pre-existing boundaries and create experiences that not only wow audiences, but also stay in their minds for a long time.

Public participation

Whether through interactive challenges, creative games or activities, guerrilla marketing encourages the target audience to take part and directly interact with the brand. This engagement not only increases the emotional connection between both parties, but also generates valuable data about the audience and their preferences, which informs future marketing strategies.

Strategic location

Choosing the right place and time is essential to the success of guerilla advertising. It seeks to locate the actions in crowded, relevant or surprising places. This strategic choice increases the visibility and impact of the campaign, since the target audience will be present and willing to interact. The location can also contribute to the campaign narrative, allowing the physical environment to reinforce the message being conveyed.

Brand rise

An undeniable advantage of guerrilla advertising is its ability to increase brand awareness. The unique and memorable character of the experiences generated by this strategy makes brands stand out in the minds of consumers. 

Virality and shareability

The surprising and often entertaining nature of guerrilla advertising makes it prone to go viral on social media and generate much greater reach through digital word of mouth.

Risk and reward

Due to its unconventional approach, this type of advertising carries a certain degree of risk. Creative actions are misinterpreted or don’t resonate with the intended audience. However, when successfully executed, the reward is extremely valuable. Calculated risk translates into exceptional brand recognition, greater reach, and significant differentiation in the marketplace.

Emotional connection

Guerrilla advertising has the ability to forge lasting emotional connections with the audience. By surprising audiences and evoking genuine emotions, this strategy can create memorable experiences that consumers treasure. The emotions experienced during the interaction with the campaign are directly associated with the brand, increasing the likelihood that consumers will develop an emotional connection and a bond of trust with the company.

How to do a guerrilla advertising?

At this point, you are probably coming across a lot of guerrilla advertising ideas, whether you want to do it yourself or one that you have already seen. More and more companies and independent workers are choosing this type of advertising to promote products or services, its potential is more than obvious. But, you have to be very clear about how to do them and how to apply them, their positive effect is very powerful, but their negative effect can also be. If you want to know step by step how to do guerrilla advertising, you are in luck because here I bring it to you:

Step 1: Define your goal

The first step in creating a guerrilla advertising campaign is to have a clear and defined understanding of your objectives. State precisely what you hope to achieve with the campaign. Is it to increase brand awareness, drive social media engagement, generate targeted sales, or create an emotional connection with your audience? Defining your objective will provide you with a compass that will guide you in all subsequent decisions in the planning and execution process.

Step 2: Know your audience

Understanding your audience is critical to the success of any marketing campaign, and guerrilla marketing is no exception. Deepen the knowledge of your target audience. You must analyze their interests, behaviors, needs and preferences. Identifying the places they frequent and the communication channels they use will help you design a campaign that genuinely resonates with them, thus maximizing your impact.

Step 3: Brainstorm Creative Ideas

Creativity is at the heart of guerrilla marketing. Assemble a creative team and generate a wide variety of original and offbeat ideas. Think of unique and surprising ways to engage with your audience. Consider how to create impactful moments and memorable experiences. This process should encourage exploration of multiple concepts and approaches, allowing the most disruptive and effective ideas to emerge.

Step 4: Plan the execution

Once you have selected the most promising idea, it is time to plan its execution. It details all aspects of the campaign, from the location and timing to the resources needed. Whether your campaign involves installations in public spaces, live events, or social media interventions, make sure every detail is carefully considered for maximum impact.

Step 5: Assess the risks

It is essential to anticipate the possible risks and obstacles that could arise during the execution of the campaign. Make sure that your strategy does not violate laws, regulations or ethical values. Assess any contingencies that need to be addressed to ensure the campaign runs smoothly and without any legal or reputational issues.

Step 6: Create a budget

Although guerrilla marketing tends to be cheaper than traditional advertising strategies, it is still essential to create a budget. Estimate the costs involved in implementing the campaign, including human resources, materials, location, and promotion.

Step 7: Design campaign materials and elements

Create all the necessary elements to bring your campaign to life. From posters and flyers to special costumes for actors or set pieces, make sure all the visual and practical aspects are in place.

Step 8: Test and adjust

Before the official release, run extensive tests to make sure everything works as planned. You can carry out simulations and tests to identify any possible problems and make necessary adjustments. This stage is crucial.

Step 9: Launch and run

With all the preparations complete, it is time to launch and execute the campaign. Make sure you have a dedicated team ready to manage logistics and oversee development. Precise coordination and attention to detail will ensure that the campaign runs smoothly.

Step 10: Generate buzz on social media

Harness the power of social media to amplify the reach of your campaign. Share content related to the campaign, such as photos and videos that show the public’s reaction. Encourage audience participation by inviting them to share their own experiences and opinions online.

Step 11: Evaluate the results

Once the campaign has concluded, it is time to evaluate the results. Were the established objectives achieved? Examine how the audience responded, both online and offline. Analyze if conversations were generated on social networks and in real life. The data collected will provide you with valuable information to measure the success of the campaign.

Step 12: Learn and improve

Use the results and feedback obtained to learn and improve in future campaigns. Evaluate what worked effectively and what could be improved. This feedback will allow you to adjust your guerrilla marketing strategies for even more significant impact in the future. The ability to adapt and evolve is essential in the ever-changing world of marketing.

Guerilla Marketing Examples

So that you can better understand what I mean when I talk about guerrilla marketing, I have put together a series of clear examples of what such a campaign would look like.

“Red Bull Stratos” campaign

The bold “Red Bull Stratos” campaign is a supreme example of how guerrilla marketing pushes people to the extreme limits of the human experience. They staged a free fall jump from the stratosphere, it was an unprecedented feat that captured the imagination of millions. Broadcasting the historic moment live, Red Bull harnessed technology and emotion to engage a global audience. The combination of adventure, exploration and adrenaline generated massive media coverage and wide virality on social media.

vista de astronauta en la estratósfera que está por saltar en caída libre

Elevator Advertising

Elevator advertising demonstrates how the everyday can become an amazing experience. Placing ads on the floor of elevators to create the illusion that the floor has collapsed is a clever example of how guerrilla marketing can play on people’s expectations. By surprising and mystifying individuals as they enter the elevator, companies achieve instant interaction with their audience.

Snickers Name Change Campaign to “Marathon”

Snickers ran a campaign changing its name to “Marathon” during UK National Marathon Day. By aligning himself with a significant cultural event, Snickers not only generated conversation and visibility, but also showcased his adaptability and sense of humor.

Always “Like a Girl” Campaign

Always’s “Like a Girl” campaign goes beyond the product realm to address relevant social issues. Challenging gender stereotypes and empowering girls, Always harnessed the power of an emotional and authentic message. The campaign generated in-depth discussions on self-esteem, empowerment and gender equality.

niñas en una campaña jugando al béisbol y otros deportes

Space Invaders “Flash Invaders” Campaign

Space Invaders’ “Flash Invaders” campaign sought to stoke nostalgia and excitement in a targeted audience. By projecting images from the iconic game onto famous buildings, Space Invaders revived the excitement associated with the video game. Thus, he managed to transform the virtual into the physical and generated an emotional connection with the fans.

imagen del icónico juego en la pared de un edificio

IKEA Giant Bubble Installation

When IKEA installed giant bubbles, it managed to transform public spaces into interactive spaces and use it for advertising. By allowing people to interact with products in real situations, IKEA created an immersive and memorable experience.

Volkswagen Road Safety Campaign “The Fun Theory”

Volkswagen’s “The Fun Theory” campaign is a shining example of how guerrilla marketing turns mundane activities into engaging experiences. Volkswagen transformed compliance with traffic regulations into an interactive game, thus encouraging respect for road rules. This tactic not only generated positive user interaction, but also promoted safer behavior on the roads.

norma de tráfico convertida en un juego interactivo

Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign

Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign is a clear example of guerrilla marketing personalizing the consumer experience. This company printed popular names on cans and bottles, then invited people to emotionally connect with the brand by sharing a drink with friends and loved ones.

botellas pequeñas de Coca-Cola con letras en la etiqueta

Smart’s Smart Parking Campaign

Smart’s campaign created billboards with parking spaces for small vehicles, thus cleverly communicating the benefits of the product. By highlighting the advantage of its compact size, Smart was able to creatively envision how its cars are ideal for finding parking spaces in congested places.

cartel publicitario con la imagen de un auto

Dove Real Beauty Sketches Campaign

The “Dove Real Beauty Sketches” campaign is a similar example to the Always campaign mentioned above. Dove did a social experiment in which artists drew portraits based on people’s descriptions of themselves, then exposed people’s negative perceptions of their appearance. The campaign challenged conventional beauty norms and promoted self-acceptance, thereby striking a chord with the target audience and making them reflect.

Kit Kat Bench Campaign

Kit Kat’s “Kit Kat Bench” campaign demonstrates how guerrilla marketing can bring moments of comfort and surprise almost anywhere. What they did was design benches that resemble chocolate bars, the idea was to provide a unique and enjoyable space for people to rest and enjoy.

banco en el parque con la marca Kit Kat

McDonald’s Smart Packaging Campaign

In this campaign, McDonald’s showed how to take apart its iconic food boxes to turn them into game boards, by doing this, it not only surprised people, but also added a touch of entertainment to an ordinary experience.

“Ice Bucket Challenge” Campaign for ALS

The “Ice Bucket Challenge” campaign is an extraordinary example of how guerrilla marketing can spark a global movement to raise awareness and funds for a cause. By inviting people to throw ice cubes on their heads and challenging others to do the same, the campaign sparked a viral phenomenon that transcended borders, bringing people together from around the world. Creativity and active audience participation were essential to his success in raising funds for the fight against Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

niños mojándose con baldes de agua

Tork’s “Take the Loo to the Zoo” Campaign

Tork’s “Take the Loo to the Zoo” campaign is an unusual example of how guerrilla marketing can use surprise and creativity to highlight a product’s features. The tactic behind this campaign was to transform a functional and everyday object into something unexpected and striking. By introducing toilets into such an unusual setting as a zoo, Tork captured the attention of visitors in a surprising way. This action generated curiosity and provoked reactions among viewers, while highlighting the strength and durability of Tork products.

What is the purpose of guerrilla advertising?

The goal of guerrilla marketing is to capture the public’s attention in unusual, creative, and surprising ways. It’s about breaking away from traditional advertising strategies and standing out. The main goal is to generate a memorable and positive impact on people’s minds. Instead of relying on huge advertising budgets, guerrilla marketing focuses on ingenuity and originality to achieve its goal. It seeks to stand out in environments saturated with information and capture attention in the midst of advertising noise. It involves actions in public places, surprise events, creative interventions or viral strategies online.

This type of marketing seeks to create a lasting impact on the minds of people. Through this, this strategy builds brand awareness, promotes specific products or services, drives audience engagement, and even addresses important social issues.

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From unexpected campaigns in unusual places to personalizing products and transforming everyday activities into playful experiences, guerrilla marketing is disrupting the advertising landscape to capture attention, eyeballs, and intent. Whether through surprise, humor, provocation or a combination of all of these, its fundamental purpose is to create a lasting impact that goes beyond the traditional limits of advertising. Guerrilla marketing strategies manage to resonate on an emotional level, creating authentic connections between brands and their audience. From the awesomeness of the “Red Bull Stratos” to the artful simplicity of Coca-Cola’s “custom cans”, these campaigns transcend familiar boundaries, sparking conversations online and offline to leave an indelible impression on people’s minds. people.

We can say as a conclusion that its purpose is to break the monotony, to make people stop, smile, share and remember. In a world where attention is an increasingly scarce resource, this strategy stands as a powerful reminder that creativity and originality are the guiding compass to the cutting edge of the advertising landscape. Ultimately, guerrilla marketing not only challenges the norm, it redefines the way brands engage with their audience.

To end the article, I recommend that you enter the Streamion blog and continue reading: Sem campaigns and twitch ads. They are super interesting topics and are closely related to guerrilla marketing!

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