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Advertising for Brands: Best Strategies and Tips 2024

As the media have advanced, companies have been finding new ways to promote themselves. The ability to adapt together with creativity have to go hand in hand to achieve a stable and lasting relevance, presence and identity. Brand advertising will allow you to achieve all of this.

From visual and narrative advertising campaigns that hijack attention, to the choice of strategic channels, the creation of a campaign is a process that must be created and executed in a meticulous way. In the following article we will explain what is meant by brand advertising, its benefits, how it works and finally we will give you a series of especially useful tips to keep in mind.

What is brand advertising?

Brand advertising is a marketing strategy that aims to promote the identity or image of a brand, usually very similar to the different  types of advertising spots that are usually used when it comes to strategy, but which in turn differs from them. That is, instead of focusing on the product or service that said brand provides, it seeks, strengthens, creates, expands, and forms a relationship with consumers based on loyalty, recognition, and trust.

Its essence lies in seeking to create a relationship or emotional connection from the consumer to the brand. This creates a positive perception and increases the chances that the customer will always choose the same brand.

Benefits of brand advertising

The power of brand advertising is directly proportional to its list of benefits. What we mean by this is that if it is done correctly, it will have many positive consequences. Because your goal is closely related to the image of the brand as a whole and not to a single product or service, your benefits will be reflected in all aspects of the business, from human resources to prosperity over time. Some of them:

Value perception

It will create a perception of value in the minds of consumers. If the strategy is effective, it can convince customers that the brand offers more than just products or services, aligning with their needs, aspirations, and lifestyle.

Resilience to changes

Strong, well-established brands tend to be more resilient to market changes. They can survive and adapt to economic fluctuations and changing trends because they are backed by a loyal customer base.

Building trust and credibility

Consistency in communication and authenticity in brand presentation through advertising build trust and credibility with consumers.


As a result of the aforementioned, a brand with a good ability to viral ads and effective Sem campaigns will get the loyalty of those who consider themselves satisfied. By building emotional connections and offering positive experiences, long-term relationships with consumers can be established, which in turn will lead to repeat purchases and referrals.


A brand that has established itself and created a strong image has more scope to set high prices for its products or services. This is because consumers are willing to pay more for brands that they perceive to be trustworthy, authentic, and of high quality.

Talent attraction

People want to be associated with successful and purpose-driven companies, this benefits both recruitment and trade associations, as it attracts high-value talent.

Long-term sustainability

Advertising for brands not only seeks short-term gains, but also lays the foundation for long-term success. By building a strong identity and relationships with consumers, brands can thrive for years or decades.

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Advertising strategies

In this next section of the article we will briefly explain some examples of advertising strategies that you can use to convey the message you are looking for:

Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising involves promoting your products, services, or content on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These platforms allow you to segment audiences based on interests, demographics, and online behaviors, maximizing ad relevance and increasing user interaction.


A sports clothing store can direct its ads to people who have interacted with or searched for pages related to the world of fitness. 

Content marketing

If you want to create and share relevant and valuable content to engage your audience while building a relationship of trust, you should keep the focus on providing useful information rather than promoting directly. It establishes the brand as a trusted source of knowledge first.


A nutritional supplement company writes and posts articles on healthy eating habits on its blog to attract people interested in a balanced diet.

Influencer advertising

This strategy is about collaborating with people online who have an engaged audience. These influencers promote your products or services, and increase your brand credibility due to the trust that their followers have in their recommendations.


A makeup brand partners with a popular makeup artist on YouTube to promote their products.

Search ads

Search ads rely on platforms like Google Ads to show relevant ads when people search for terms related to your products or services. These ads appear at the top of search results, ensuring visibility when users are intent on buying.


An online shop store might show up in search results when someone searches for “buy sneakers.”

Programmatic advertising

Using automated technology to efficiently buy online advertising space and reach specific audiences, through precise segmentation and real-time optimization, will allow more personalized and effective advertising, saving resources such as time.


Travel agencies display package tour ads to users who have recently searched for vacation destinations.

Email marketing

Email marketing is advertising through personalized messages to a list of subscribers to promote offers, content or events. This type of strategy creates a feeling of greater closeness.


Online stores that frequently send offers or news to customers who have already purchased with them through emails.

Native advertising

Native advertising involves creating ads that integrate naturally with the content of the platform on which they are displayed, avoiding abrupt interruptions and generating greater engagement, as it adapts to the environment.


A news portal might display a sponsored article that is related to editorial content, labeled “recommended content” or identified as “Advertising.”

Video advertising

The video format is a powerful way to tell stories and communicate complex information in a visual and emotional way, which also allows the impression to last over time. This form of advertising tends to be highly chosen because people share with their social circle the content that they like, amuse them or simply catch their attention, thus multiplying the views.


On platforms like YouTube, companies place ads of around 30 seconds that play before the content chosen by the customer. Trailers that are released before a movie or series premiere are also an example of this form of advertising.

Geolocated advertising

Targeting specific audiences based on their geographic location is ideal for local businesses. This strategy ensures that ads reach people nearby who may become physical customers.


A neighborhood gym can use the geographic segmentation options provided by the ADS functions in networks to make its offer reach the inhabitants.

Advertising in mobile applications

Ads in mobile apps are displayed while users are interacting with their favorite apps, meaning it allows you to reach your audience in a context where they are highly engaged.


A free mobile game could display ads for other games between levels or in the form of banners on the screen while the user plays.

Advertising in sponsored content

Collaborating with related websites or blogs to display content that promotes your brand will allow you to reach relevant audiences, while also leveraging the trust that already exists between the user and the site.


A skincare brand pays a well-known dermatology site or blog to publish an article about the importance of a skincare routine talking about their products.

Podcast Advertising

Podcast ads are especially effective for reaching a highly focused and engaged audience during your favorite shows, this type of strategy is ideal for promoting services or products in very specific niches.


An audiobook company advertising on a literature podcast.


Another very effective and constantly growing means of advertising are ads through streaming platforms. In Streamion you can publish your brand’s ads so that they appear simultaneously with the stream itself, without the need for cuts. This ensures that the audience sees it, not skips it, since it doesn’t cut the stream, and in turn, it works in some way, like collaboration with influencers. The relationship that the consumer has with the streamer can be associated with the promoted brand.


An energy drink brand could place ads while a streamer talking about sports and training is live.

External advertising

This form of promotion uses strategically placed billboards in areas with high pedestrian or vehicular traffic to capture the attention of potential customers, as well as public transportation, buses, trains, and subways, to expose the brand to a diverse and constantly moving audience.


The advertising billboards that we see on the side of isolated roads in the city are a perfect example of this way of advertising, they are generally for tourist attractions or luxury accommodation found in one of the places that the route crosses.

Retargeting advertising

Show personalized ads to users who have previously visited the brand’s website, reminding them of the products or services in which they have shown interest. To achieve this, cookies and online activity tracking are used.


A person who has searched for better accommodation in Buenos Aires can then be shown specific ads for hotels and hostels.

Augmented reality (AR) advertising

Creating ads using AR-enabled devices or mobile apps allows users to interact with virtual elements overlaid in the real environment, generating a higher level of engagement and excitement by allowing users to “try” products before buying or participating in experiences.


A video game company is about to release a new virtual reality adventure title for consoles and PC. The said company launches a companion mobile app where users can download the app for free and then point their cameras at specific locations to interact.

Final tips

Now that you know what advertising for brands is all about, as well as the different strategies that exist, we would like to leave you with some extra tips for you to take into account:

Know your audience

Knowing your audience very well is the first step to a successful advertising strategy. To do this you must investigate and understand their needs, desires, problems and behaviors. What you will achieve with this is to have enough knowledge to create messages that really reach them and generate some kind of reaction. All of this not only allows you to design more relevant campaigns, but also helps build a stronger and more lasting relationship with your customers.

Maintain brand consistency

When we talk about brand consistency we talk about maintaining a visual identity and a constant message in all your materials and communications. This helps make your brand recognizable and establishes a lasting impression in the minds of consumers, thus creating a strong identity, trust and credibility. Customers will know what to expect from your brand in every interaction.

Be creative and innovate

Creativity and innovation are essential to stand out in a saturated market. Fresh and unique ideas grab people’s attention and encourage them to explore more about your brand. Innovation encourages word of mouth, take advantage of all this in your favor.

Focus on the benefits

Although features are important, what really motivates consumers is the benefits they get from using your product or service. Communicating how your offerings can solve problems, improve lives, or meet specific needs creates a more direct and emotional bond with your potential customers.

Authentic stories

Genuine and authentic stories are powerful in connecting with the audience. Sharing real experiences, whether from satisfied customers, passionate employees, or the brand’s own story, creates an emotional connection. Those people who see the stories can relate or identify what they aspire to be, motivating them to choose you.

Be open to feedback

Feedback provides you with information about what you are doing well and what could be improved. Listening to your customers and being willing to adapt based on their feedback is a valuable practice, it shows your customers that you care about their opinion and are committed to giving them the best experience possible.

Constantly test and optimize

A/B testing and data analysis help you understand which approaches are performing best and which need tweaking. This constant improvement mindset allows you to keep your strategies relevant and effective in an environment that is always evolving.

Optimization for mobile devices

Make sure your ads are optimized for mobile devices, as many users access online content from their smartphones.

Take advantage of events and seasons

Align your ads with events and seasons relevant to your audience. Seasonal or event-based campaigns can increase the relevance and impact of your ads.

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In the digital age, where the possibilities of communication and diffusion are unlimited, advertising for brands is not just a tool, but a form of investment in growth and development. Brand recognition, trust building, differentiation and customer loyalty are just some of the cornerstones for building strong business empires.

As consumers evolve and trends change, advertising is transformed. Whether through social networks or streaming platforms such as Streamion, the channels used for promotion play a crucial role, since their use varies from consumer to consumer. It is very important to know how to choose correctly and get the most out of the functionalities that they offer us.

In conclusion, we can say that advertising for brands transcends mere promotion and becomes a vehicle to create cultural impact, emotional connection and lasting influence.

To end the article, I recommend that you enter the blog and continue reading: Guerrilla marketing and twitch ads. They are super interesting topics and are closely related to Advertising for Brands!

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